The establishment of a socio-scientific issue in a group of teachers: a polyphonic process of unveiling the concrete reality


  • Paulo Gabriel Franco dos Santos Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)
  • Washington Luiz Pacheco de Carvalho



socio-scientific issues, formation of the subject, teachers group


This article presents part of a broader research an d seeks to elucidate the process of setting up a Socio-scientific Issue in a group of teachers at a public school. Assuming that a Socio-scientific Issue must aggregate those involved in the educational process in situations of dialogue, argumentation and construction of a positioning, we understand that the recognition of the controversy or of the legitimacy of the theme in the context at stake is crucial to achieving the desired goals. Thus, starting from subsidies from the Critical Theory of Society, we characterize the process of setting up a Socio-scientific Issue among teachers as an exercise of unveiling the concrete reality, listing problematic, controversial and open to criticism aspects of Science and Technology. Thus, the Socio-scientific Issue is listed out in the group as soon as it is established a polyphonic dialogue where all participants stand, recognize the fertility of the theme for the intended educational context and can speak of it with propriety


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