Conceptions of health among biology teachers: an investigative tool


  • Welton Yudi Oda Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)



investigative tool, health conceptions, biology teachers, social causation, biologicism


It is presented here an investigative tool for use in research aimed at understanding the health concepts of biology teachers in basic education and/or higher education. Central element in the construction of the investigative tool is the understanding of the relevance of the socio-historical dimension in the genesis and in the transformation processes of knowledge, as indicated by the explanatory fleckian model of knowledge sociogenesis. Important contribution to the development of the questionnaire is offered by Barata (1985), which constructs a scheme that systematizes health concepts throughout human history. This tool was validated and then used to indicate the views of Parasitology and Microbiology university professors in a broader study, in which was investigated its academic genesis. The results of this first use in investigative processes of the questionnaire detected the presence of three distinct teachers’ profiles regarding the concepts of health: The undefined, those who reject the social causation and those who reject the simplistic conceptions of health, as hygienism and biologicism. Due to its quantitative character, the investigative tool is recommended for early stages of research, helping, for example, during the preliminary investigation, in the screening and selection of the sample for a more detailed research, of predominantly qualitative character


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