Teachers professional formation in mathematics: essential knowledge that emerge from faculty reports


  • Eliane Maria Pinto Pedrosa Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)
  • Lusitonia Silva Leite
  • Rosália Maria Ribeiro de Aragão




mathematics teachers, teacher training, teacher reports


Given the complexity of problems related to the teaching of Mathematics and the training of future teachers we seek to understand issues related to education teaching and the think that teacher trainers eventually show. So, this research is concerned to understand aspects deemed essential by teachers-trainers who work in courses in Mathematics for the training of future teachers in this scientific field. We assume that there is in usual practice of these professionals a conceptual substrate that plays a crucial role in teaching practices and possibilities for personal / professional development of future teachers. Based on this assumption, we ask: what ideas emerge from the reports of teachers of mathematics in relation to those aspects which they considered essential for desirable quality training to future teachers of this field of knowledge? The locus of research concerns Courses in Mathematics in Sao Luis and in Balsas - Maranhão State - Brazil. The subjects of this research are three math teachers who work in a Course in Mathematics for future teachers education. In methodological terms we chose to approach narratives from the perspective of qualitative textual discursive analysis. We use semi-structured interviews as data collection instruments. The results highlight that the teachers-trainers views express difficulties still showing up nesting didactic-pedagogic knowledge of the particularities of specific knowledge


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