Weaving networks in the formation of teachers: the abandonment of the spontaneity and a (brief) perception of the complexity in science education
teacher education, autobiography of teachers, actor-network theoryAbstract
In this essay, personal narrative originated in the autobiography and in docent memories, it is discussed the transformation in the conceptions and actions of a teacher in training, understood as a hybrid of nature and culture under the influence of the broader educational trends and of the objective conditions in which he operates and in which occurred his formation. The teacher in training, an actant, is part of an extensive network with multiple and dynamical space-time connections, interrelating in this web with the authors who influenced him, with students and others teachers, with the subject (a natural science) he seeks to teach and with the amazonic culture, from which he is inseparable. He concludes recognizing himself as in permanent transformation and signaling to the strong evidence of the dynamism of the network in which he was built, denying the existence of definitive and immutable and definitive truthsReferences
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