Geoplano in the teaching of mathematics: Perspectives and some aspects of its use in the classroom
geoplano, geometry teaching, concrete materialAbstract
This article presents one of the researches carried out by the UFT Institutional Scholarship Program of Initiation to Teaching (PIBID). The topic addressed is about the teaching of plane geometry through Geoplano. We defend in this article, the idea that the teaching of mathematics using concrete or manipulatives materials becomes a possibility for the teaching. The Geoplano enables students to develop a better visual perception of geometric shapes facilitating the construction of certain problem situations, prompting students to investigate them, to solve them, and to engage in them constantly in the process. The perspective of the development of these activities is that one does not need to introduce a theme starting from the theory, but also from certain practical problems. In this sense, besides turning the teaching of math more "fun", such perspective will provide the learner the opportunity to experience situations different from the usual "boring lectures" thus contributing to the learning of mathematical knowledge. The proposal is to use the Rectangle Geoplano for teaching mathematical content creating new scenarios in the school environment, prioritizing research. We highlight some results obtained with the application of Geoplano in a public school, and the motivation that students showed in their use in math classesReferences
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