Conjugating, in mathematical modeling, the theme religion and some paradigmatic debates


  • Lênio Fernandes Levy Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)
  • Adílson Oliveira do Espírito Santo Universidade Federal do Pará



mathematical modeling, religion, paradigm


This research aimed to make the students/subjects understand that there are inextricable influences between philosophy, especially the epistemological philosophy, and other cultural events, such as the mathematizing. As for mathematizing, aimed to insert the students at a process of teaching and learning guided by modeling their daily problems and/or their problems of interest, enphasizing the theme "Religion", which was chosen by the students themselves. In this modeling process, it became central the discussion (which pervades the epistemological/paradigmatic ambit) about the importance or not of the conjunction of disciplines conventionally classified as distinct. Finally, in the course of that modeling dynamic, we tried to encourage a student discussion about epistemological paradigms, about the opposition that exists, for example, between modernity and complexity


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