Capital themes of distance education: We and between us the tail of teachers' formation


  • Rosália Maria Ribeiro de Aragão Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)
  • Sheila Costa Vilhena Pinheiro



distance education, teachers' formation, capital themes


This paper comunicates a research that is fruit of a qualitative and narrative investigation based on experiences during the discipline fundamentals of distance education, part of an especialization course of science and mathematics teachers. This discipline was developed by three teachers, including the researcher, in four classes of students-teachers of science and mathematics at fundamental teach, kids' education and inicial series. Between those subjects, only 5 (five) of one of each class, are subjects of this research, selected from the bigger level of frequency of reflexibility in their autobiography. In this investigation, we aimed to explain the knowledge produced during the formation process, giving reference to the construction of diferente practices of distance formation; the mobilization of these knowledges was accomplished through diaries and memories elaborated by the student — teachers, besides that, personal things written and registred in procesu during two cicles of five days, in the morning and in the afternoon. The data incide above the paradigm, change, for the importance that the subjects gave to diferent questions to the distance education, considering the relevance in the educational contexto nowadays. The analyse of those reveals lack of real situations, practical reflexions that influence authentic learning problems and the distance formation to mobilize the production of the knowledge related to the proposition of formative practices in distance education. Those problems related to Distance education is passive of being developed other possibilities, thorough this option that implie diferente conceptions in therms of perspective, formation and avaliation


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