Investigations and explorations as part of the daily work in the classroom
investigations, inquiry teaching, teaching units, tasks, mathematics learningAbstract
This article presents three key elements of teaching units of exploratory nature: (i) the teaching-learning conjecture that frames the development of the unit, (ii) the tasks that compose it; and (iii) the working modes, communication styles and roles or teacher and students. It gives examples of three teaching units of different levels of education that illustrate these elements and their contributions to the learning process. In these teaching units predominate investigation and exploration task teaching that promotes the active involvement of students in their learning. These units also favor working with different types of representations, and the students use their own representations, and progress from there to more formal representations. The structure of classes, with moments of presentation of the task, students autonomous work and collective discussion and synthesis also enhances the involvement of students in their learning and the development of various types of discourse in the classroomReferences
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