The science teaching in in the OLPC project (One Laptop per Child) in public schools in Rondônia, Brazil
one laptop per child, science education, public policyAbstract
In times of fierce technological development, in which Internet connected computers occupy a privileged space in the actions and human relationships, the school cannot and should not stand on the sidelines of the process. Several authors point out issues related to the use of laptops by teachers and students in schools in many countries creating a new field of study. Brazil is occurring in the UCA Project (One Laptop per Child) and Rondônia eight public schools had implemented this project in 2010 and their teachers are receiving training to use in the classroom. This article aims to discuss the process of implementation of this project and its use for science teaching in these schools in order that their understanding may support actions aimed at correcting distortions, sophisticate the process and actually contribute to the improvement of education as a whole in the state of Rondônia and other states. The arrival of laptops in school led to changes that need to be studied in order to understand their implications in the lives of the people involved in the situation of using this new technology comes into the hands of students and teachers, this being a different situation that occurred exclusively computer labs in schoolsReferences
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