Community horticulture and construction of sustainable socio-ecological systems


  • Alessandra Pavesi Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
  • Denise de Freitas Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
  • Bárbara Pacheco Lopes Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)



community gardens, socioecological systems, sustainability, resilience, adaptability, science learning


This paper seeks to reaffirm the importance of community horticulture as a tool for learning scientific and political contents and skills necessary for the construction of sustainable and resilient Socioecological Systems (SES), i.e., able to respond to disruptions and renew themself by strengthening their adaptive capacity. To this end, we shall explore whether concepts, metaphors and theories from (Agro)Ecology and Education, starting with the idea of SES, which is born at the confluence of traditionally separate disciplinary domains. Then, community and school gardens will be reframed from the point of view of contextualized learning and Activity Theory, to clarify their potential for meaningful learning of Sciences and, especially, to re-bind the traditionally separate worlds of humans and nature


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