Mathematics and health: good nutrition and equations of BMI, SIP and BAI contextualized in classroom situations
mathematical education, meaningful learning, teaching practiceAbstract
Most students have serious difficulty in applying the theory learned in mathematics throughout their academic life. Since the initial series until the final grades of high school, the study of equations, inequations and functions are privileged, with demonstrations of formulas and properties and applications of exercise lists. However, the results of educational assessments at state and national level indicate that one of the major found student´s difficulties is using the mathematical tools learned throughout their lives, with the aim of resolving everyday problems. This article refers to master´s research by the same author and it aims to evidence that contextualizing the teaching is a way of making significant all the mathematical knowledge and apply didactic sequences that bring everyday problem situations to the student´s reality. The contextualized didatic sequences are strategies that encourage learning in an efficient and meaningful wayReferences
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