Basic triad: the usage of strategies, the inclusion of history and biology’s philosophy and the making of courseware
teaching strategies, biology teaching, biology’s history and philosophyAbstract
The fragmentation of the school’s knowledge is configured in a harmful way to the teaching, making it harder to the student, the appropriation of knowledge and the construction of a contextualized vision that would allow them a critical perception of reality. In the trials of overcoming the fragmentation, we observe as possibilities, the usage of strategies faced with the traditional program, the inclusion of History and Biology’s Philosophy (HFB) and the insertion of practical and joinable classes. Therefore, some reflexions are presented that emerged from the strategies development to the proposal of practical classes during the internship program, with freshmen groups from the High School in a public school. Strategies were developed to the cellular biology contents and its human aspects. Our challenge was made of the planning starting from the Teaching Strategies, in a perspective of reaching the Biology from the “Constitution of the Biologic Knowledge) and from practical activities that emphasize the usage of experiments and construction of models. Although many difficulties may have appeared during the process, the motivation and the envelopment shown by the students confirm the didactic potential of the strategies in the classroom and the modality of the teaching in practical classesReferences
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