Nature and Culture interlaced: the scientific Bulletin of Pará Industrial School of Chimica


  • Jorge Ricardo Coutinho Machado Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)



history of chemistry, social studies of science, history of science in the Amazon


This study analyzes the Scientific Bulletin of the School of Industrial Chemistry of Pará considering this document as a result “inscription” of the encounter between the amazonian natural products and instruments of school laboratories. Initially are woven about the role of chemistry and that educational institution in the 20s of the twentieth century, particularly in a city (Belém) living the economic decline after the called latex cycle. Then, the Bulletin is displayed enrolling your constitution and characteristics inferred from its exegesis. At the end are woven considerations that show have been the School of Industrial Chemistry of Pará an institution whose profile is in line with the so-called ";status of modernity";, according to which at the time represented the role of interpreter objective of nature, sought construction of knowledge ";positive"; and ";true"; and intended, in the context in which it is inserted, contribute to economic redemption of the region through the use of scientific knowledge aimed at ";development and progress.";


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