Interaction content and practice: a contribution to the education of statistics
statistics, knowledge, educationAbstract
The statistical education in public schools of primary and secondary education, is generally being addressed at the end of the school year in a superficial way. In many cases due to the difficulty of fulfilling all programs established in the courses, these statistics contents are even taught to students. This study sought to understand and improve the knowledge needed for teaching practice, based on an educational experience that addressed the content statistics in a northern public schools of Paraná, where the teacher is one of the researchers. The methodology used in the research is of descriptive nature with qualitative focus, developed through a researched own practice. The course held in 2015, had the appreciation of the work of the nine students of second year of high school. Data analysis included records of the research subjects, nine students e the teacher-researcher by recording audio and written notes of students. The interpretation of the data were based predominantly in Freire's view (1996), more specifically in his work, Pedagogia da Autonomia. The results showed that a teaching practice based on mediation and stimulate critical and contribuemno teaching and assimilation of knowledge.References
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