Early childhood education on track of multiple intelligences: a proposal for knowledge of construction environment from rooms


  • Aloysia Pinz Klemann Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Pará
  • José Messildo Nunes Universidade Federal do Pará




multiple intelligences, ambient classrooms, amazon legends


This article aims to reflect on the dynamics of operating of ambient classrooms an Eco-School on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences it is a qualitative research characterized as an ethnographic case study developed at the Municipal School Alana de Souza Barboza, located in an area of the outskirts of Belém-PA. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory supports the proposal. In the referred school a project called “Eco-Escola” is developed, this proposal favors the realization of didactic projects inside the ambient classrooms, always emphasizing an ecological approach. The Amazon qualifies as an appropriate environment for this type of project. The appreciation of Amazon’s culture is also focused by the didactic projects that have Amazon’s legends as their theme. These legends identify the ambient classrooms, causing children to identify with the culture themselves because culture is the mainspring of all knowledge. We noted in this research that the ambient classrooms assist in the students’ learning process and that the dynamics of rotating between classrooms favors the construction of knowledge.

Author Biography

Aloysia Pinz Klemann, Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Pará



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