Difficulties in solving math basic problems: a case study in the arid region of Sergipe, Brazil


  • Karly Barbosa Alvarenga UFG
  • Iris Danúbia Andrade
  • Ricardo de Jesus Santos




problem solving, mathematics, difficulties


This work has as main objective to discuss the results of an analysis of the types of resolutions, the most common mistakes and difficulties in resolving problem situations presented by 65 elementary school students from two public schools in the city of Itabaiana - SE. It arose from concern over how teachers understand Problem Solving and our initial intention was to know if, in fact, students and two teachers could solve simple problems by way of this teaching methodology. To collect data, a test to students was applied and for teachers too and made observations of all classes. It was evident that students had difficulties in interpreting and modeling problem situations, which are used to direct application of formulas, without having understood the situation and that they lack skill with mathematical operations. Likewise, it was observed that the students do not know the methodological approach Problem Solving. So it is important that teachers seek new teaching methodologies, which differ Exercise Solving in order to improve mathematics learning of the students. Our results do not differ from many others found in several studies, but reaffirms that an end to the country's difficulties in resolving problem situations are the same and still indicates that teachers cannot distinguish a simple resolution of the use of coping strategies in line Polya (1995).

Author Biography

Karly Barbosa Alvarenga, UFG

Licenciada em Ciências, habilitação em Matemática, especialização em Matemática, mestrado em Matemática, dois doutorados em Educação Matemática. Trabalho no Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da UFG.


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