Scientific literacy and metacognitive awareness of groups of teachers in initial and continuing education: an exploratory study
metacognition, scientific literacy, TOSLS, MAIAbstract
This study investigated the scientific literacy skills and metacognitive profile of basic education teachers and students of undergraduate courses, using two newly produced instruments: Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS) and the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI). Specifically they were investigated possible correlations between metacognitive skills and scientific literacy, checking and comparing different types of metacognitive skills and scientific literacy for current and future teachers, and evaluate the psychometric and possible improvements of the instruments qualities. The work is based on contemporary research on scientific literacy and metacognition, in particular, studies that aimed to investigate how these skills are developed by teachers of science and mathematics. The results obtained with the implementation of the instruments on a sample of twenty three undergraduate and twenty practicing teachers, indicate that 74% of the sample does not have an adequate level of scientific literacy, despite declaring that frequently use different metacognitive strategies study and plan lessons. Significant statistical correlations were also found between the scores of TOSLS and MAI, e.g. metacognitive skills and scientific literacy skills were not correlated. It shows the rupture of key skills with lower rates of success, arguing about their possible causes and mitigation measures for identified problems and suggests future research possibilities using the instruments.References
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