Children’s Protagonism and riverside residents cultural knowledge in the teaching of mathematics in Childhood Education




early childhood education, learning situations, children's protagonism, riverside residents knowledge, mathematics teaching


This study aimed to investigate the contributions of a proposal for teaching, in an early childhood education class in a school investigated in Moju/PA, using riverside residents knowledge of these children through games for the teaching of Mathematics so that protagonism Child be favored. The research was developed in a riverside school in the municipality of Moju / PA with children with ages between 04 years old in the year 2015. The study followed the qualitative approach, and approaching the presuppositions of research-action; the data collection was through field diary, audio recordings and photographs; in the data analysis was used the Analysis of Content proposed by Bardin (2009). The research showed that: a) children use comparisons to the possibility of construction of mathematical concepts of height and weighed; b) the same time as the learning situations favored the protagonism child, the children were favored by them to contribute their ideas and actions; c) the cultural knowledge of riverside residents through games of questions and answers made it possible the children to act actively in the construction of own mathematical knowledge.


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