The seven aspects considered in the tasks of transition from Arithmetic to Algebra
aspects of algebra, transition from arithmetic to algebra, basic educationAbstract
In this article, we present the seven aspects considered important for the teaching and learning of algebra when considering the transition from Arithmetic to Algebra. We begin by exposing the definitions and examples of the seven aspects considered, which are associated with the researchers of Chevallard, Robinet, and Duval, that helped in the identification and definition of these aspects. The methodology used in the research was the documentary analysis, the diagnosis of students from a private elementary school to high school and assessments as a teacher of higher education students. In the discussion of the seven aspects, we present some examples found during the research. We conclude that it is necessary to develop these aspects during the basic education so that the students can apply them in different tasks, in particular, those that correspond to their daily life and their professional aspirations.References
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