Less with less gives less, fewer times less gives more: translation problems?
translation problems, operations with positive and negative numbers, mathematical languageAbstract
This work has the objective of gathering some of its didactic texts in English into the language, in some instances of teaching and learning, in particular, highlighting, subtracting, multiplying and with positive and negative lots. We seek scholars in translation from the perspective of philosophers, mathematicians and mathematical educators with the purpose of having theoretical references to analyze a translation from the pedagogical point of view. For this, do companies need to acquire, improve, and subtract with multiplication and division, between positive and negative numbers? The methodological meanings taken from theoretical points of view (GRANGER, 1989), the use of symbolism (WHITEHEAD, 1987), the Greek episteme (LIZCANO, 1993), and above all rules and agreements (SEGATTO, 2010). The results of the research are pointed out as usual rule of thumb, preferably, unlike what happens with a single formula of rigor in translation. way of solving it. We also noticed that there are some problems of translating the natural language into a mathematical language and vice versa.References
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