About Curriculum and knowledge: the discourses that make teachers of Biology
Curriculum, Science Education, Teacher training, SubjectivityAbstract
The purpose of this work is to reflect on how discursive processes influence the ways of being a biology teacher. Our attention was focused on the discursive and non-discursive practices that are currently being publicized and institutionalized in the curriculum of the Degree in Biological Sciences of the Campus of Bragança and influence the construction of the subject Biology Teacher. We took as empirical corpus the Catalog of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies from the Center of Biological Sciences of UFPA, a document that brings together course plans of the curriculum that ran from 1997 to 2004. Our analyzes show a curriculum basically focused on the health area, even if it was intended for teacher training. The omnipresence of contents and practices from the field of Medicine silences training components that are intended to prepare for teaching. The result is the development of a vision that enunciates teaching as a side effect, of what is presumed to be a good training in the "scientific" area. The effects of these practices reverberate in the formation of a professional who desires and values specific knowledge, minimizing the other knowledge, especially those of the pedagogical field. The hierarchy of knowledge produces a professional teacher who wishes to live the "glamorous" side of Biology, usually related to conducting research in specific areas such as Genetics and Ecology, as an alternative to the "monotonous" life inside the classroom.References
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