Fundamentals guiding mathematics education theories: perspectives and diversity
mathematics education, teaching and learning, plurality of theories in mathematics educationAbstract
The aim of the present text is to reflect on controversies about the plurality of theories that support the area of mathematics education and what is considered fundamental in its constitution as a scientific field. Furthermore, it brings to light some theoretical bases of mathematics education, in order to compare the diversity of its approaches. We divide the text in three parts to provide a better insight into the central ideas of each one of them. The first deals with mathematics education as a field of knowledge. In the second part, we discuss the fundamentals of mathematics education and the diversity in approaches. In the third part, we present a discussion and a synthesis of the different theoretical constructs discussed in the first two parts, focusing, at the end of the text, on some aspects of the Didactic Anthropological Theory. This study, although not exhaustive, allows a comprehensive view of the various existing theories related to mathematics teaching and learning. The diversity of theories and the specificities of each of them confirm the idea that a single theory, or a single model, can hardly explain and reveal all the phenomena involved in the processes of teaching and learning mathematics. The researcher should pursue sound knowledge of the main ideas of the different theories so that they can identify which of them they can use to refer theoretically their research.References
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