The use of conceptual maps as a metacognitive tool in Chemistry Teaching
conceptual maps, teaching-learning, metacognitive.Abstract
This study aimed to recommend the use of conceptual maps (CMs) as a metacognitive tool in the teaching-learning process in Chemistry. The research was carried out involving students of the chemistry graduation, during the discipline of theoretical general chemistry II, at Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), university campus in Belém. The data were obtained through the collection of CMs elaborated by the students. The analyses were carried out based on the observation of students' contact with the object of study, the way in which the students understood the content and the externalization of the knowledge represented through the maps. The results of this study indicated that through the CMs it is possible to better understand the metacognitive manifestations of the individuals, since the maps make the information more accessible and allow understanding how the students understand the content in study and how they relate the concepts in their cognitive structure. Currently, there is an increasing use of alternative tools for the teaching, including in the field of natural sciences, where they are constants, thus, the use of CMs was quite accepted by students, which contributed significantly to the training of future teachers, demonstrating the importance of this instrument for the teaching-learning process.References
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