Uses/meanings of geometry mobilized in initial teacher education
terapia desconstrucionista, problematização de usos de conceitos geométricos, diálogo ficcional, formação Inicial de professoresAbstract
The objective of this study is to problematize the uses / meanings of geometric concepts mobilized by the school practice of puzzles solving, "The Hat of the Clown", in the context of the discipline Supervised Internship, with the purpose of broadening the understanding of the mathematic teacher initial formation for other ways of looking at mathematics. The analysis of the research corpus, referenced in the philosophical therapy of Wittgenstein and the Derrida deconstruction concept, consists of the fictional dialogue between students and the teacher giving the lesson. The dialogue problematizes the unique uses / meanings attributed to the geometrical concepts, in practice in focus, supposedly arising from an essentialist and universal view of mathematics, instituted in the school, and points towards an approach used also in non-school cultural practices.References
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