
  • João Claudio Todorov Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás e Instituto de Educação Superior de Brasília




One hundred and forty six students enrolled in undergraduate psychology courses at the University of Brasilia in 1992 indicated their preference between a hypothetical fixed amount of money available with various probabilities or delays and a certain reward of variable amount available immediately. In Experiments 1 and 2 amounts of money were stated in Cruzeiros (Cr$) and in Experiments 3 and 4 in US dollars (US$). The function relating the amount of certain-immediate reward subjectively equivalent to the delayed amount had the same general shape (hyperbolic) both when the currency was Cruzeiros or Dollars although the function for  Cruzeiros was steeper. For the same delay, the discounted value for Cruzeiros was relatively higher than for Dollars, possibly reflecting differences in American and Brazilian students’ delay discounting due to differences in confidence in the currency used. A power function related the certain-immediate amount of money subjectively equivalent to the fixed probabilistic reward and was similar for Cruzeiros and Dollars. In Experiment 2 participants chose between a delayed Cr$100.000 reward and a probabilistic Cr$100.000. The choice in Experiment 4 was between a delayed US$1.000 reward and a probabilistic US$1.000 reward. In both experiments delay was proportional to the same odds-against transformation of the probability to which it was subjectively equivalent. The popular sayings “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” (probability) and “Promises don’t pay debts” (delay) seem to be supported by the present results. Choices between probable and certain amounts showed the usual pattern previously found, independently of context (e.g., inflation). Promises often specify delayed reinforcer consequences and to trust on promise payer is behavior dependent on previous history of reinforcement.Key words: probability, risk, delay, subjective equivalence, decision, choice.

Author Biography

João Claudio Todorov, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás e Instituto de Educação Superior de Brasília

Trabalho publicado com o apoio do CNPq. Endereço para correspondência: SHIN QI 01 Conj. 09, Casa 11, 71505-090, Brasília, DF. E-mail:todorov@unb.br. Este trabalho foi submetido à publicação originalmente a Psicologia:Teoria e Pesquisa em 1993. O parecer do Conselho Editorial foifavorável, condicionalmente a pequenas correções sugeridas por dois pareceristas anônimos. Quando a correspondência do Editor me chegou às mãos eujá estava envolvido em funções administrativas que me deixaram fora de minha rotina de pesquisador até maio de 2001. O manuscrito, entretanto, geroufrutos (Coelho, 1999; Todorov, 2002; Todorov, Coelho, & Hanna, 1998), antecipou o estudo do efeito da taxa de inflação sobre o valor das conseqüênciasdo atraso de reforço (Ostaszewski, Green, & Myerson, 1998) e foi um dos primeiros trabalhos sobre relações de equivalência entre probabilidade e atrasona análise do comportamento, assunto muito atual (Christensen, Parker, Silberberg, & Hursh, 1998; Grace, 1999; Green, Myerson, & Ostaszewski, 1999;Ito, Takatsuru, & Saeki, 2000; Myerson & Green, 1995; Richards, Mitchell, de Wit, & Seiden, 1997). A presente versão se mantém fiel ao original, tendoincorporado as correções sugeridas à época por pareceristas anônimos, e bibliografia atualizada acerca do assunto. O autor agradece aos então alunos degraduação, Amélia Yamane, Cristiano Coelho e Marcelo Emílio Beckert pela ajuda na coleta dos dados.





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