Social-historical contributions' theory of learning and teaching physics for students at first year of high school


  • Odifax Quaresma Pureza Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)
  • Luiz Marconi Fortes Magalhães



physics teaching, mechanic energy, social-historic theory, microgenetic analysis


The Present Study tried to understand the way students from beginners level of the middle teaching build the concept of mechanic energy and its forms, in the optic of the social-historic theory, developed by the Russian Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, contributors and followers. We are based, to this analysis, on the methodological approach called microgenetic analysis, with more accuracy, on the categories proposed by Mortimer and Scott (2002). It was analyzed an episode of teaching due to the interaction between the teacher and a group of three students, where we tried to make evident the intentions of the teacher, the content of the speech, the communicative approach, the interaction patterns and the teacher's interventions' ways


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