Posgraduate education: inventing identities
teacher education, education of the investigator, identity processAbstract
This article discuss the experiences of teacher education and research experienced in master's-level, based on written statements of the subjects investigated_ We aimed to investigate issues relating to the process of postgraduate education that emerge during the course of living in the gym, where the subjects - Masters in Education in Mathematics and Science - and the other characters in the research context, imbued with their beliefs, values, uncertainties and identities, they began by interacting with each other, transforming themselves from interactions, producing multiple exchanges and reliving every 'change', every text and every 'crisis' history and their own educational path. This is an excerpt from a larger study on postgraduate education developed with seventeen masters. From the perspective of discursive textual analysis in the context of a narrative research, the individual statements of the subjects were classified into two categories: i) formative experiences reconstructing meanings of the teachers' actions, ii) Cultural identity and the postgraduate education. The results reveal the meanings they attach to their masters the process of postgraduate education, assuming they are responsible for their formation process, as they become subject to explicit intentions in learning. The education process by which are reflective promotes reconstruct their professional identity in order, the exchange that takes place in the academy, forming a network of shared meanings that are individual and have collective sense. Reflecting the narratives of those involved, we also reflect on our own paths of life and training, looking for more understanding and also the importance of continuous education, the clarity of being unfinished, of learning to learnReferences
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