Mathematical model environmental issues related to water with the purposes of teaching-learning functions in first grade of High School


  • Maria Isaura de Albuquerque Chaves Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)
  • Adilson Oliveira do Espírito Santo



mathematical modeling, teaching-learding mathematics, significant learning


This research presents a possible form to give itself and materialize the mathematics modeling as a teaching-learning method in regular courses. To observe how the teacher and the students get involved with Modeling activities and discuss all knowledge already produced for previous researches, these development effects for the teaching practice in the preferred method for the student general formation as well as for the mathematics teaching-learning process, the model was tested in a high school first-year group and it had the first and second degree Functions significant learning production evaluated, focusing on the tools used for the comprehension of environment question related to water. The obtained results point out that learning through Modeling can make students become co-participant of their teaching-learning process. Consequently it makes their significant learning easy. On the other hand, for the teaching, among the acknowledgement of modeling using advantages for the teaching and this application, there's a study and research permeated way, that to be struck needs aptitude and audacity to get over the obstacles that may show u


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