Teaching by research in the Mathematics classes of the Chemistry teacher training course


  • Karina Alessandra Pessoa da Silva Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1766-137X
  • Rodolfo Eduardo Vertuan Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
  • Jaqueline Munise Guimarães da Silva Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná




research teaching, mathematical modeling, experimental investigative activity


In this paper we bring to light a research carried out in the context of mathematics classes of a Chemistry teacher training course in which we seek to establish experimental investigative activities in mathematical modeling activities. We are based on the theoretical contributions of Teaching by Research that consists of a didactic approach that creates an investigative environment, as well as in the Mathematical Modeling understood as a pedagogical alternative to teach mathematics. We subsidized our analyzes in the written reports of three mathematical modeling activities developed by three groups of students of different classes of the Degree in Chemistry in the discipline of Differential and Integral Calculus 1 of a federal university in Paraná. The qualitative analysis, inspired by Research Design, of the reports delivered by the students allowed us to make groupings that characterize experimental investigative activities as a way to "visualize" the concepts of the area of chemistry in practice; as a means of enabling verification / confirmation of data obtained from other sources (label, literature, etc.); as precursor of reflections related to sociocultural aspects; as a trigger for contextualized mathematical discussions; as a possibility for the students, from the beginning of the course, to experience actions characteristic of a research activity, such as producing and organizing data, using them to think about a problem.


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