Possibilities of articulating theory and practice by means of the collaborative research: A proposal for the teaching of mathematics
collaborative research, mathematical education, curriculumAbstract
This paper is about the possibilities of articulating theory-and-practice by means of collaborative research, as a proposal for the teacher to face the dynamic everyday challenges using mathematical tools. The methodology is based on a literature review through which we study and analyze various books, articles and dissertations on the subject. From the readings and analysis, we constructed a proposal to address collaborative research as an alternative link between theory and practice, to allow more dynamism to the teaching of mathematics, in an attempt to develop knowledge and pedagogical practices that contribute to a broader formation, which prepares for citizenship and for being a critical student and teacher. Conjectures were proposed on the possible contributions of collaborative research between teacher and students in using the trends in mathematics education as differentiated alternatives. We believe, therefore, that this work will contribute to a reflection on the importance of mathematics education in the training of students attending a licentiateship in mathematics, in which, in addition to subject knowledge (content), are also essential the pedagogical, curricular and experiential knowledge, to face the obstacles related to the math teachingReferences
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