Courses and distances, wedges and difficulties of doctors’ formers in science and mathematics education
doctors scientific and pedagogical competence, epistemological and pedagogical issues, doctoral actions cultivationAbstract
The problem put under focus stems from cultivation of doctoral actions, reactions and attitudes of doctors already practicing in other areas and that resolve to migrate to the areas of Science and Math Education to take-on collaboration-training for new doctors formation in Science Education or Mathematics Education, in accord with North Regional Brazilian context claims. With this in mind, doctors professionally bound to higher education Institutions – Universities and Federal Institutes – as a NET located in Legal Amazon assume responsibilities which include taking on partnerships in order to increase the number of teachers held for the training of doctors in the newly created NET. Even already being doctors and working in the so-called "hard areas" or in related fields, these doctors seek accreditation in a newly created doctoral program, with desire and willingness to migrate to focus and share scientific-pedagogical training in a high positive quality new doctors in Education Science and Mathematics Education. The "migrant doctors" aim to establish themselves in this new/other program assuming new formative relationships in order to provide both the necessary visibility to this area in its region of insertion, and the production of positive and desirable responses for the academic, scientific and pedagogical advancement of higher education in the training of doctors. These doctors who are working in the NET for accrediting doctor trainers since two years in a developing regional programme will be investigated pursuant to investigative narrative mode of qualitative research, in the light of epistemological, theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching and research. So as, in their accession processes or proposed-resistance the migrating doctors will be investigated especially in relation to both (i) their participation as teachers-researchers held forming quality doctors for this century while generating academic production in the areas being focused on by the NET, and (ii) evidence of interest and commitment as doctors in exercise in the training of new doctors aiming both with the quality of higher education in which they act, and with the improvement of the quality of basic education, and scientific research in the North Region in which this NET works in Brazilian context. The results of this investigation other than to express joy in relation to the quality of the new doctors to be differentiated, certainly imply further efforts of the professors-doctors and researchers in particular, by the conditions of other migrants to the area of Science and Mathematics Education. The propositions and actions thus arising require knowing and awareness of theoretical-methodological and epistemological issues for this new professional area of expertise. This becomes especially relevant in order to overcome traditional assumptions of a positivist and fragmentary doctoral training position, largely present in these terms in the teacher training process of the last century (XX), but whose cultivation in this century (XXI) becomes essential to discard to abolish the two-tier and hierarchical vision between knowledge and teaching practices, replacing it with another vision put in a political and epistemological perspectiveReferences
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