“Hi, who is looking at my statistics?” – A discussion about the performance of students of Basic Education on arithmetic mean
arithmetic mean, measures of central tendency, statistical education, teaching and learning of statistics, conceptual fieldAbstract
In this article we analyze and discuss the performance of students of Elementary and Middle School in a private school of the Metropolitan Region of Recife-PE on the concept of arithmetic mean. For that, a diagnostic test was elaborated with five questions, which brought different meanings of this concept in situations with and without graphic representation. The results show that the level of education was a determining factor in the performance of this group of students, although lower than expected. Regarding the different meanings of the conceptual field of arithmetic mean, we observed that students have difficulties in understanding these meanings. We found that the graphical representation influenced the students' performance. Concerning the resolution strategies, we identified that students mistakenly conceive the arithmetic mean as being: the sum of a set of values; a number that is divided by two; the central term of a set of values arranged in ascending order (median); and/or a number ending in zero. In addition, we noticed that they had difficulties in calculating the division. By means of this study, we hope to subsidize the work of the teacher to approach in his math classes the concept of arithmetic mean considering the different meanings that support this concept.References
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