Contemporary controversies about the scientific method: a systematic review of the literature


  • Naiana Ribeiro Maximilla Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Lavínia Schwantes Universidade Federal do Rio Grande



Scientific method, Philosophy of Science, History of Science, Science Education


Science, since its emergence as we know it, between has occupied an increasingly prominent place in human society. Often referred to and defined as the source of truth and the producer of unquestionable facts, gradually became free from contestation. The scientific method merges with modern science, but little is discussed about its possible practical and epistemological limitations - precisely because it is a term already naturalized and that supports the scientific metanarrative. In the collective imaginary, the scientific method is what gives legitimacy to science and its production of truths. In the present work, our objective was to investigate in the literature studies that problematized the scientific method in contemporaneity. We retrieve 205 articles in the search and only seven problematized the scientific method. All the works were in a foreign language (not portuguese) and articulated questions about the method with scientific education. The retrieved articles agreed on some aspects: the scientific method is not universal; does not follow predefined steps and is not linear. On the contrary, according to the authors, scientific research is complex, depends on the creativity of the researcher, and often the objectivity desired by such a method may limit the research process.


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Artigos Científicos