Guidelines for the teacher education in working with reading: from PCN to BNCC


  • Jaciluz Dias Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora.
  • Helena Maria Ferreira Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Natany Avelar Silva Universidade Federal de Lavras



The purpose of this article is to analyze, contrastively, the guidelines presented by the PCN - National Curricular Parameters (BRASIL, 1998) and the proposal of BNCC - National Curricular Common Base (BRASIL, 2017) about working with reading practice. Both documents contemplate working with multiple languages:  the PCN briefly discuss the use of technology, evidencing the use of computers, radio and television. The BNCC, in different skills, details the need to work with images, sounds and different digital languages. Thus, the temporal distance between the guidelines for national education allows us to infer that the focus on multiliteracies was broadened, considering the diversity resulting from the use of TIC (information and communication technology) in daily. This advance brings education demands, since the work with the multisemioses requires the exploration of different discursive genres, different skills and reading skills and new methodological paths.

Author Biographies

Jaciluz Dias, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora.

Doutoranda em Linguística pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora.

Helena Maria Ferreira, Universidade Federal de Lavras

Doutora em Estudos da Linguagem e Linguística Aplicada (PUC-SP) e Professora Associada do Departamento de Estudos da Linguagem e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras (PPGLE) e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGE), da Universidade Federal de Lavras

Natany Avelar Silva, Universidade Federal de Lavras

Mestranda em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Lavras.





Artigos Científicos de Número Temático (Linguística)